Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Bye Bye Baby

It is a big week at the Taylor house. My baby is now a big girl. She has been forced into becoming one by the availability of a bed for Samuel. To make room for Sam's new bed the three girls will have to make the transition to the same room. In order for 3 girls and all of their stuff to fit into one room, Elska must say goodbye to her crib. Anna will take the step from bottom bunk to top bunk, and Gwen goes from toddler bed to the bottom bunk.
Today is Lorelei's first day in the toddler bed. She will have about a week of getting used to the bed before we finalize the transition by moving the bunk beds. Sam will be ready for that, I am sure, as there is no room for his new bed to be set up yet, and he will spend the next week on the floor.
But the point is, My BABY isn't really a baby anymore. A sad and happy day!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009