Sunday, October 25, 2009

War Paint

Someday we will succeed in domesticating them,

but this little savage has proven quite difficult,

and has chosen to cling to her wild ways.

Monday, October 19, 2009

On Mingus Mountain Sunday,10-18-09

Elska moments before sitting on a cactus plant.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy 50th anniversary Phoenix Cement!

Big Bucket.

Little Bucket.

Happy 50th anniversary Phoenix Cement!

Backyard Nomads


Friday, October 16, 2009

Post Office

Today we had the opportunity to get a tour of the post office.

The kids got to cancel and send their own letters.
They were also given a tour and an explanation of how a letter goes through the post office into the mail carriers vehicle and into your mailbox.

Sam was fascinated.

Gwen was not.


Elska has taken to throwing some extraordinary tantrums lately.
Last night she began yelling and screaming and rolled herself under Gwen's bed, where she spent about 30 minutes writhing, kicking and flailing, in anger.

At one point Sam dragged her out, thinking she needed help getting out from under the bed. She just screamed even more and promptly rolled herself back under the bed.

Elska in full Berserker mode.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Yesterday was a beautiful day in the lovely Verde Valley, with temperatures only reaching into the mid-eighties, sun shining bright and beautiful, and a calm breeze to keep you cool in the sun. It seemed a great day to meet friends for a picnic in the park. ( Cottonwood-Oak Creek School district is on Fall break, so friends are out of school and available to play).
When we arrived at the park it was discovered that they had recently been watering the grass, a lot. New sod must be watered continuously. So there is a lot of mud, and puddles, and slick sidewalks. I think to myself as I slip a little(without actually going totally down, thank you very much)that someone is going to get hurt in all this mud. The kids get dirty, of course. Seven children between the ages of 1 and 7, mud is their best friend. We decide to stay and play, even with the hazardous conditions.
Of course the place I thought would be our downfall was not. No, no one got hurt running down the sidewalk into the giant puddle of water. No one got hurt slip sliding down the hill of mud. It wasn't the swings either, always a place of worry for moms with little ones. No, it was the slide. Falling off of one actually. Off the top you think. Why, no. Actually off the bottom. Three feet, max, from the bottom of the slide to the ground. Only three feet could not have hurt anyone that bad. If you think that, then you do not know Anna. Mild concussion. Doesn't sound that bad does it. It is pretty scary when your 4 year old tells you,"I can't see!", while trying to focus on you and not being able to. It is also rather worrisome when I spent hours with Anna in Doctors offices and she just sat, on my lap, or in a chair. Anna, little flity, never landing, Anna. But still, mild concussion, nothing to do but wait and make sure she doesn't develope other problems. O.K., no problem. What's that Doc? An x-ray of her wrist! She only fell 3 feet!! 3 feet!!! Did you hear me, 3 feet!!! MAX!!!
Hairline fracture of her right wrist--cast for four weeks.
This is the life of Anna. All this pain for THREE FEET!!!

Looks like a normal scrape doesn't it.

She is still full of sunshine!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sunday, Oct. 11, 2009

That's a hair tie around my neck, NOT undies!