Friday, September 5, 2008

Sam and school

Well, Sam has finished his first three weeks of school and now asks if he can go every morning. He is very disappointed when I tell him its Friday( or Saturday, or Sunday). He then gets out his paper and pencil so he can practice his letters for his teacher. I hope he will still have just a fraction of this excitement to learn by the time he is in high school.
Anna isn't quite sure what to do with herself while Sam is in school. She likes to do her "projects" with markers and pens, but as much as she loves them they only take up so much time. She is very excited to see Sam when he gets home so she has someone to play with. Mom and Gwen just are NOT the same. Although as Lorelei gets older we will be able to get out and about more easily and I think Anna will enjoy being the oldest, and therefore the one who gets to chose where she wants to go.

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