Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My new hat

Well, I ran out of yarn so the hat must be done,right??


Anonymous said...

Did you really make that hat? From learning to crochet over the Thanksgiving weekend? I am really impressed!

Grandma Beach

Anonymous said...

WOW!! you are a crochet rock star!


Peggie said...

You rock! You make great kids, great pies, and great hat(s)! Did you make up your own pattern? I wonder what's next.

Vada said...

I did make up my own pattern. The thoght of finding a pattern online and then trying to decipher it was a daunting task. So I improvised with the few stiches I know.

Anonymous said...

That is a way-coool hat!!!
I can't believe you made it so fast, and it is cute, besides. The model you found is also quite a looker.
Uncle Bill

Caseygirl said...

My scarf is about a foot long - way to go actually accomplishing a project. I feel so inadequate. I don't have to run a household or anything and I am not even doing anything complicated. Well done!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Liz says the truly finished product is really great, so I hope you follow up with a shot of your lovely and talented model wearing the final hat with ear flaps and all. And a pom-pom?

Grandma Beach