Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sam plays T-Ball

Sam has started playing T-Ball this year. If you are aware that he gets his athletic ability primarily from his mother, who in turn got it from hers, you might be able to imagine the many varied blunders he could have. Just yesterday he was catching(use term loosely)from where the pitchers mound would be. A child hit a ball right at him, the ball bounced off the ground hit him in his knee and rebounded into his glove. Hopefully this kind of luck will carry him(and the others, as they aren't much more skilled than he his) through the season. The games promise to at least be very entertaining.

I'm gonna hit a home run. I'm gonna hit a home run.

Well, Sam, it would work better if you hit the ball, not the T.

I'm running anyway, cause it really is all about the fun.


Anonymous said...

Great post! I can't wait to see Sam play T-ball!

from Grandma Beach

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you aren't upset that I maligned your supreme athletic abilites.