Monday, June 15, 2009

We Are Back

We had a great time on our trip to the White Mountains. We left here on Monday at 9:30 in the morning and made our first stop at Tonto Creek recreation area. Then our second stop at Fool Hollow Lake just outside of Show Low. This is the first time we have been to this state park and I think we will visit there again. It was very beautiful and a great final stop on the trip to Greer. We arrived at our cabin about 5:30 that evening and got settled in. On our trip we spotted a half dozen deer, a fox, and two not so wild well fed squirrels.
We continued to see more wildlife on this trip than I have in the years past. On our second day we spotted a tree frog, and on the third we saw an antelope that let us get within 50 feet of it before slowly wandering away. The kids followed her for quite aways before noticing that Matt and I had stopped walking and they were getting farther and farther away from us. On the fourth day we finally spotted some elk!! Again on the next day we saw another and this time she sat still so the kids were able to get a really good look at her. They also got an up close look at the two deer we almost hit the day before. When speeding up to a mule deer at 55 miles an hour they look very big and menacing.
We have lots of pictures and a few of the 579 pictures and videos that we took are posted on our web album. I'm sure some of them will be posted here at a later date.


Caseygirl said...

That photo album is so good! lots of good desktop background pictures of scenery and plants. and there is one picture of the 3 oldest kids on a picnic blanket and Sam looks a lot like Don (at least I think so). such a fun family memory!

Bill said...

How in the world did you see the tree frog? Great shot of the antelope. Did you untie him when you left? I like your new mountain house. Very open floor plan with lots of natural light. Looks like a good time was had by all. You are getting very artistic with the camera.

Anonymous said...

Yes Casey, I agree that Sam looks likes Don. I see it frequently. Although both Mom and Grandma look at me askance every time I say something about it. Finally someone to back me up!!!

Anonymous said...

Matt was actually the one who spotted the tree frog. I beleive that it was hopping out from underneath his foot at the time.

Leah said...

nice photos, your so talented and you don't even know it!