Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Its That Time Again...

Pie Time

We baked nine pies today, and this is me being conservative. Ha! We were only going to do 6 when we started this morning, but somehow that number just kept on getting bigger.

It might be that I got distracted by all my helpers saying how they loved pie, and could we make one more please? Yeah I am sure that was it. I am not going to take the blame all by myself.

We also tried something different with the pie dough cinnamon rolls. I thought that a little butter and brown sugar would make them that much better. Not as crunchy, but Yum, Yum.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!


Caseygirl said...

everything was perfectly delicious! those cinnamon rolls were awesome :)

Peggie said...

Yummy, yummy, yummy! We're so glad you're such an excellent baker.