Monday, May 17, 2010

8 Years

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Taylor, wedding day- circa 1977 (May 18, 2002).

Thanks to Westcott Funeral Home for providing the venue for this very special day!


Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary!!

The Taylors said...

Thanks Tara, it sounds like you guys had a great (restful) anniversary.

Peggie said...

Happy Anniversary to the Taylors. Eight years sure go fast.

Caseygirl said...

Eight years already?! that is crazy - congrats :)

Bill said...

You should start having kids pretty soon. I bet they would be cute.

Margie said...

Happy, Happy, Happy Anniversary!

It still sounds funny to have a funeral home as a wedding venue, but it was a lovely setting and a gorgeous day for such a special event!

Love to you AND your four VERY cute kids!

Mom (Margie)

The Taylors said...

@ Uncle Bill, been there, done that.