Thursday, February 3, 2011

Rat Eating Rattlesnakes!

This week is Catholic Schools Week and is celebrated at St. Joseph's much the same as spirit week is in other schools. On Tuesday they were encouraged to dress as a favorite book character. Sams favorite character is the much loved mouse, Geronimo Stilton. I thought we did pretty good.
A big thank you to Grandma for her quick thinking on the vest and tie.


Bill said...

I am unfamiliar with G. Stilton, so I don't get the title reference. Is it: Rat, eating rattlesnakes!
or Rat-eating rattlesnakes!
Since Sam is the rat, I hope it is the former.
The costume looks very convincing either way.

Vada said...

The reference refers to a catch phrase of Geronimos-"Rat-eating rattlesnakes",said in situations of impending disaster.
These are rather good books for 2nd and 3rd grade readers. I especially like that they have quite a bit of phrases in different styles, including cursive. Sam has learned to recognize very stylized letters and words.