Thursday, August 13, 2009

Operation Crawdad

Sam shows off the crayfish trap.

Ready to bait the trap with stinky tuna water.....yuck.

We got some!

We brought them home for further study.

Total catch: 5 crawdads and 3 minnows.

We tried to relocate them, but they didn't like their new home. So we had to move them back into the plastic tub.


Bill said...

"Jambalaya, crawfish pie, and fillet gumbo.." H. Williams
Do you know any pie makers? You could get a recipe online, I bet. But for Thanksgiving, please stick to apple, cherry, and pumpkin.

Margie said...

I think it is amazing that people eat those ugly things! Bite their heads off and suck out the insides! I could hardly stand to be in some areas of the French Quarter in New Orleans because the piles of leftover crawdad husks were so smelly. They serve them on newspapers - a huge pile in the middle of the table, and everyone just grabs and eats as fast as they can, leaving the shells in a pile too. Then they are thown outside until they can be picked up and taken wherever used crayfish shells are taken, and the whole area stinks to high heaven!
But I have to admit that this was a cool adventure for the kids! Interesting and strange looking creatures! - The crawdads, not the children!