Sunday, July 11, 2010

New Stuff is Fun

This has been an exciting week at the Taylor house. Matt came home the other day with this organ that is in excellent condition. It came with some books that even I can figure out how to play a couple of tunes. This picture is of Sam trying to tap out a tune after my rendition of Feelings.

I just love little hands!!

Matt also came home with some other things, including a set of dinnerware that goes really well in our kitchen. Now if I can find a tablecloth that matches and is big enough for our table.......then I will find something else that we need, I am good at that. I just really like to shop!

While our household acquired some stuff Anna has acquired a new skill. READING!!!! This week she began her BOB books for beginning readers and has finished the first three as of today!! It was so amazing to watch her put words together from the sounds that she has been working on. Especially since half of the time she acts like she can't remember what a letter is, much less what sound it might make. As you can tell I am mighty proud of my little girl and can't wait to see what she will do next!!


Unknown said...

This world needs more young organists.

If I had known you when I got married I would have given you my set of those dishes! (i didn't like them that much, but they go wonderfully with your kitchen)

Congratulations Anna!

Caseygirl said...

Yay Anna! Reading is a very exciting skill (I remember crying at the end of kindergarten because I still couldn't read).

Now we know she is officially a Thomas/Walsh Woman - we all love to read multiple books in a row :)